donderdag 9 mei 2013

Een zomer aan het eind van de twintigste eeuw - Frank Boeijen Groep

The first single from this Dutch group's ninth album of the same name translates as 'A summer at the end of the twentieth century'. The band was rocking out in a way they hadn't done for a long time, as this single - and the album - was a less synth-laden affair than previous efforts. And that's exactly what I didn't like about it, by the way.

The second track is this CD-single's saving grace: a beautiful ballad with a reference to Beethoven's piano, by which singer and songwriter Frank Boeijen probably means one of the great composer's compositions for piano.
  1. Een zomer aan het eind van de twintigste eeuw
  2. De piano van Beethoven
Ariola 162.773
This CD-single on

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